Child Dental Emergencies
Uh-oh! A Dental Emergency! If a dental emergency should happen to your child, please remember to act quickly. Stay calm - a parent's apprehension can be transmitted to the child. Bring the child to us with the tooth replanted or kept moist in transit. We'll take care of you immediately.
A child, learning to ride a two-wheeled bicycled, loses her balance, falls, hits a rock and knocks out a front tooth. What do you do?
If the tooth is replaced in the tooth socket immediately, the chances are good that this tooth can be maintained for many years.
Do something and do it now
The success of this replantation procedure is directly related to how soon the tooth is replaced in its socket. If possible, just rinse the tooth with tap water and gently replace the tooth in its socket and come to the office. Otherwise, wrap the tooth in a clean, moistened cloth-or put it in a cup of water or milk-and get to the dentist, now. Never scrape the tooth or allow it to dry out.
Remember, time is of the essence
If the tooth is left out of the mouth for more than 30 minutes, the chance for successful replantation drops significantly.
We consider replantation successful if we can keep the tooth in position at least during a child's growth period. By maintaining the space, the replanted tooth prevents tipping of adjacent teeth. If it's necessary to replace the injured tooth, it's much easier to do it when the child is older - when all the permanent teeth are in.
The good news is that we have bonding and dental implant techniques today for tooth replacement-and new materials to fill in for a lost tooth.
+Jim Du Molin is a leading Internet search expert helping individuals and families connect with the right dentist in their area. Visit his author page.
Dental Costs
Most everyone is feeling the economic pinch in some way or another. We can't pretend the picture is particularly rosy.
On the other hand, we've all heard the term "false economy." In difficult financial times, some people put off the dental care they need and wait for things to "get better." When it comes to dentistry, that's false economy.
We know budgets go through ups and downs. We also believe that catching small dental problems before they grow will, in the long run, save dental costs. A lot of expensive damage can happen over time.
Say you miss a regular cleaning. You're inviting gum problems like gingivitis, which multiply painlessly, to set in. Old fillings can crack or leak - decay may invade the tooth beneath the filling. Inattention to broken restorations eventually means a crown, certainly the more costly alternative to early repair.
Don't put off dentistry. Don't sacrifice your family's health for economy's sake. When it comes to your mouth, in most cases, a small problem only gets bigger - and more expensive. Preventive care is money in the bank.
Your dentist would like you to share your concerns with his or her financial coordinator. They'll do their part by helping you keep healthy with dental financing. For patients who qualify, they probably can arrange a personal dental loan plan for your care. They're there with options. And they believe good dentistry is good economy.
+Jim Du Molin is a leading Internet search expert helping individuals and families connect with the right dentist in their area. Visit his author page.